Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fuzzy Logic (Building a Fuzzy Inference System)

Boolean Logic has been around for many years now, however "Fuzzy Logic" is a somewhat more recent "beast", Prof. Lofti Zadeh proposed fuzzy set theory back in 1965.

In this post I want to show online resources that will illustrate that Fuzzy Systems can be simple and most of all are very elegant way to solve some problems.

I had fuzzy set theory in one of my data-mining modules during my university time, studying comp science. It was straight forward but then I never had to make much use of it (only a tiny bit in my PhD). So anyway, let's just jump into it!

  1. A great way to start is to work through a real illustrative example, in which a Non-Fuzzy solution is explained, and then the Fuzzy solution is introduced and is shown that it actually does work better... <<This page does exactly that>>
  2. Get this by looking at many more examples... <<Here>>
  3. Try to build a Fuzzy Inference System yourself - based on the idea of "learning by doing"... <<this can be done here>> (note: this is Matlab based, but this doesn't matter at all)
  4. Research papers making use of Fuzzy sets might be usefull cheap option to learn more (<<for example>>), check out a book (or two) and play with a relevant code library.
Software Libraries

Python: pyFuzzy, peach || Java: RockOn Fuzzy, Funzy || DotFuzzy

Great Books