Here it is, enjoy:
General observations and ramblings on technology, social-media & other things... Feel free to browse through my posts and enjoy your stay on my blog ;-)
Sunday, December 20, 2009
O(f(n)) notation EXPLAINED... doh
Here it is, enjoy:
Banking Bonuses
At JPMorgan 1'626 staff received $1 million or more and 27 individuals walked away with a hefty 8 million bonus, at Goldman Sachs this was 21 employees. [source: Andrew Cuomo's recent report on Bank Bonus Culture]
Working at one of these organisations shifts the odds of becoming a millionaire in a lifetime considerably in your favour.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
C# vs. C
The article was written back in 2004, and much has improved in the C# world, and not just in terms of VM performance but the language capabilities aswell.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Large Search-Querry datasets
My criticism is that search engines shouldn't keep the raw data hidden behind proprietary domains but open up to the world research community.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Submit your video into space
check it out under:
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Defending your digital freedom
There is an advancement in technology that has not yet been mirrored by appropriate and highly necessary legislation. Groups such as the ElectronicFrontierFoundation (see, which is an organisation dedicated to protect freedom of speech. Also backed by the World Intellectual Property Organisation.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Savers Prefer to Invest themselves!
(you might need to register in order to see the article)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Crisis Sentiments - pretty cool!!
check out my customised adds and comments
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Intuition and Trading
Numerous academic projects point out the fact that when traders were tasked with explaining some of their trading decision making processes, they were useless. The traders often explain that much of their decision making is based on intuition and that pin pointing explicitly, lhow they arrive to trading decisions is very difficult.
In a recent scientific experiment, two men with amnesia were asked to remember pairs of 8 objects (Nature July 28iss). Each man was shown the 8 pairs 5 times a day for numerous days. The man eventhought they could not remember why, learned to distibguish the pairs.
An excerpt follows:
When one of the men was asked if he picked an object because he remembered seeing it before, he said, "No. It just seems that's the one. It's here [pointing to his head] somehow or another and the hand goes for it."
Without being aware of it, the men learned the task after approximately 1,000 trials. This is about the same number of trials needed by monkeys with similar lesions in the medial temporal lobe. Normal monkeys take about 500 trials to learn the task.
The implication is that humans have an unconscious ability -- comparable to that in animals -- to mold our behavior in response to a consistent stimulus. "Habit learning is going on all the time. All of us are acquiring habits, " Squire said. "What this is showing is that habit learning is well-developed in humans, and that it works independent of consciousness."
This seems to indicate a strong relationship to intuitive learning, such knowledge that is acquired by traders via repetitive trading behaviour and performance feedback. In fact this is feedback learning and in IT terms it is synonymous with Unsupervised Learning, for cluster detection of patterns and inference. At least this is my interpretation, I am quite interested into past research of this kind... anybody who has a valuable opinion please bring your comments to the table :-)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
CreditCard Industry - is it Rotten?!?
please watch it in your free time, really CHECK IT OUT, it is EYE OPENING and comment and discuss (check out my customised adds as well :-) )
I will probably post more on the industry. Credit Card industry is fascinatingly interesting because it really applies to everyone but is a shady, and I meaaan, veeery shady industry! stay tuned...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Friday, August 21, 2009
YouTube and theyTube
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Flu effect this Winter
Web 2.0 Business Model
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
News Tweeting
I never really followed the phenomenon. I did join up thought and have had an account for some time now. I remember when twitter was still in its obscurity, not many people knew about it and I thought what a funny concept to share one line thoughts with random web surfers.
Recently a study by Pear Analytics classified twitter talk and discovered, based on their statisticall classification that around 40% of all twitter posts is pointless blabber, they also found that the count of poststwhich could possibly be classed as news related was minimal (below 10%).
Chris Matyszcyk submitted an interesting opinion. He suggests that the blabber itself is off value to many people and is actually quite usefull way of accumulating new knowledge. See for yourself, on his blog.
Interesting I thought... any opinions welcome, just drop me an email or comment!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Recession RECOVERY is here!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Web 2.0 and Mass Collaboration
Monday, July 20, 2009
News never settles down...
J. O'Neil, the well known author and investor states that in his investigations he has found that usually news, as it comes out, creates an effect on the prices over an arbitrary period, however within some time price always tends to return to the a-priori (before) news price. Googles plans are hence maybe not so real towards microsoft shares as some people might want to think.
With Microsoft I would currently expect a drop in share prices over next few weeks. Factors: yahoo take over, Google's plans, smaller revenues if Office is to be offered for free. However over the longer term (months and next few years) I can see Microsoft on a steady footing, as Google's threat is really just more psychological than real, and Microsoft has other profitable branches that show a lot of promise, unless hindered by monopoly regulation.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tech Companies...
GOOGLE certainly represents a very capable and potentially extremely dangerous competitor, especially if it taps into Microsofts' core products' business revenues.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Markets are on a big move!!
Today the 6th July (Monday) is one of those days, a large and negative move throughout all main markets has pertruded world markets. Also on a larger granularity, over March, April, May FTSE market has steadily increased in value, and a negative trend is clearly emerging during June and July! Dow Jones, DAX, CAC, NYSE, etc... show all the same pattern, not surprising since mass psychology affects every market participant to a degree.
In my opinion, July will with certainty see some decrease of valuation over all major indices. Reasons??! A number of them: Macroeconomic figures, Company outlooks, political, environmental stability and most Technical Analysis points towards investors' uncertainty surrounding recent price advances.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Rescue Package(s)
BBC prepared some nice overview graphics of the current crisis
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
44th US president and the Markets
As explanations and analyses for this drop began to appear in the financial media, I was just thinking to myself, this is just very, very, very bad. The media, brought forward a number of reasons for the drop;
- the first reason - bad company reports, such as Bank of America, JP Morgan, City Group, Bank of New York Mellon (88% fall in profits) or others - just check out this article.
- the second reason - apparently the speach that Obama gave at his inauguration, highlighted how bad the challenges for the US economy really are.
Imagine this however;
- a young, determined president takes office and promises to adress and deal with the economical challenges directly and as swiftly as humanly possible
- after an avalanche of negative quarterly reports, finally a positive one appears as IBM announces surprisingly good profit forecasts above analysts expectations.
So among all the bad news... especially yesterday had the chance to be a good day, but the markets decided otherwise. This shows that current market mood seems to fuel negative moves and if the mood isn't right, the whole market won't be.
Friday, January 16, 2009
A Happy New Year in the Crisis!
...the last year also wasn't the best one, in fact it was the worst one for the stockmarket, a truly most horrible financial debt crisis since 1929 (I highly recommend for readers to at least check out this link of Dow Jones' historical index).
Given all this, what is the prognosis for 2009, well it looks to be a very gloomy year Economically and Politically... the Middle East, UN, Economic crisis, and Financial regulation will most likely be in the forefront this year.
As every year, there are also a number of bright sides, this year should (whatever everyone says) see the bottom to the falling and battered equity markets and hence certain diversified portfolo investments (with minimised systematic risk) on the long side might be right this year as a turnaround in economic prospects is eventually invevitable.
More on this, and specific investment ideas & brainstorming, in my future posts!