Hmmmm... well, well, what a start to the new year - highest unemployment numbers in the states since god knows how many years, bust businesses (Virgin's Zaavi, Woolworths,...), lowest interest rates and risks of deflationary nature, gas supply problems into significant parts of Central and Eastern Europe from Russia (via Ukraine) and like all this isn't enough we also have a flaming war in GAZA.... mhm, excuse me, I ment a Genocide and a most horrible humanitarian crisis!!
...the last year also wasn't the best one, in fact it was the worst one for the stockmarket, a truly most horrible financial debt crisis since 1929 (I highly recommend for readers to at least check out this link of Dow Jones' historical index).
Given all this, what is the prognosis for 2009, well it looks to be a very gloomy year Economically and Politically... the Middle East, UN, Economic crisis, and Financial regulation will most likely be in the forefront this year.
As every year, there are also a number of bright sides, this year should (whatever everyone says) see the bottom to the falling and battered equity markets and hence certain diversified portfolo investments (with minimised systematic risk) on the long side might be right this year as a turnaround in economic prospects is eventually invevitable.
More on this, and specific investment ideas & brainstorming, in my future posts!