Sunday, December 20, 2009

O(f(n)) notation EXPLAINED... doh

UC Berkley Lecture by Computer Scientist and Physicist Dr. Jonathan Shewchuk, where he really explains a number of misunderstandings with this commonly used notation! It is also a good introduction for the inexperienced ones!

Here it is, enjoy:

Banking Bonuses

It is a sure way to climb the millionaires ladder :-) A path to riches is through the financial sector, and this has been so for many years. Recent criticism of Bonuses paid out to employees of Investment Banks / Funds have just achieved more advertising for these institutions for talented people.

At JPMorgan 1'626 staff received $1 million or more and 27 individuals walked away with a hefty 8 million bonus, at Goldman Sachs this was 21 employees. [source: Andrew Cuomo's recent report on Bank Bonus Culture]

Working at one of these organisations shifts the odds of becoming a millionaire in a lifetime considerably in your favour.