With the new year I decided to change my blog-up a little bit. Essentially the design template is now different, not so heavy on the eyes I hope. Secondly the direct address changed to http://martinsykora.blogspot.com, alternatively http://www.martinsykora.com is still usable.
On a different note. Each month I receive an email from NBER (The National Bureau of Economic Research) with most recent summary of published/working papers by eminent economic academics. Often I just ignore these emails, this time I saw one article that caught my attention thought and I'd recommend it as a great read to anyone interested into the general research method within science. The paper is entitled "Economics, History and Causation" and the authors suggest that a number of qualitative reserch methods should be more at the centre of an overly statistical approach to economic research (in particular since authors are from that field, however their argument extends equally to the field of, say empirical computer science).
The paper can be downloaded here http://www.nber.org/papers/w16678.pdf
somewhat long but great article Martin!